Saturday, 23 November 2013

Exclusive Interview with Top Cow President Matt Hawkins

I was lucky enough to get the chance to ask the President of Top Cow and current writer of both Aphrodite IX and Think Tank, Matt Hawkins a few questions about working in the comic book industry as well as the future of his series'.

What influenced you in becoming a comic book writer?

Mainly science fiction writers that write novels not other comic book writers.

What comics or writers inspire you?

Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke all the Sci-Fi greats from the late 20th century. 

How did you get into the comic book industry?

I was hired by Rob Liefeld in 1993 to do PR and marketing work for his company at the time.  I wrote Lady Pendragon in 1995 as a one shot for Maximum Press then later as a series through Image Central.  Been writing off and on ever since. 

How does it feel being the President of  a company like Top Cow?

It's both exciting and terrifying.  I've been doing it for a long time now, so not as daunting as it used to be. 

How do you feel that your run on Aphrodite IX differ from David Finch and David Whol's run?

Mine is a far worse future.  There's wasn't pleasant, but mine deals more with transhumanism and a dystopian future of genetic variation and exploitation and cybernetics.  The book ties in strongly with what Silvestri is doing on Cyber Force.

How does it feel to work alongside such a wonderful artist such as Stjepan Šejić and how easy do you find writer/artist relationships to be?

Stjepan is great one of the best!  His design sense is amazing.  I am one of the few writers that still writes old school Marvel style.  I write the plots first, let the artist put their polish on it, then write the dialogue after.

What do you love writing the most (dialogue, action, character interaction ect.) and what is your favourite genre to write?

Science Fiction definitely my favorite.  I like the plotting the best. 

What do you have planned for the future of Aphrodite IX and this new Aphrodite XV be a major player in the upcoming sixth issue?

I think I just sent it to you so you can read it! 

How many issues of Aphrodite IX do you have planned and will Stjepan Šejić be the artists for the entire run?

Yes and we've planned out at least through 12 hopefully much further. 

I've not been following Think Tank myself but have heard great things about it. What are your plans for the future of that series and when is a good jumping on point in the near future?

We're launching the second season of the title this summer in color, so that would be the perfect place to jump on. 

What do you prefer writing Think Tank or Aphrodite IX?

I like them both. 

What advice would you give to an aspiring writer about getting into the comic book industry?

Read stuff besides comic books and write every day.  Try to get a job in the industry doing anything and you can segway into creative.

Aphrodite IX Vol. 1: Rebirth is out the now (review here) with Aphrodite IX #6 coming out November 27th. Also Think Tank Vol. 1 & 2 are available now with Think Tank #11 coming out 4th December.

Aphrodite IX #6 Preview

I also hope to have a review for Aphrodite IX #6 up soon.

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